This post is part of Lysa TerKeurst’s Uninvited Book Blog Tour which I am delighted to be a part of along with many other inspiring bloggers. To learn more and join us, click here.
When I received my copy of Uninvited, I was excited – new Lysa Terkeurst!!! – but not entirely sure how it would impact me. I have had plenty of rejection of the years but I was quite sure I’d dealt with those in therapy. Lysa’s insight though and biblical truth allowed me to see them through fresh eyes. To weave a new story for myself. She has a sticky statement that has got stuck in my head “lines become lies which turn into liabilities”, so true! What others say and what I say to myself shapes my perspective of who I am. The webcast of the book launch (available here if you missed it) changed my understanding of Martha! Wow, Lysa claimed her name back from being “the busy one” to being the one loved by Jesus. In the process, she changed my perspective of me. I too am a child loved by God and need to live loved, and so are you! 
Whilst the bible insight (Lysa brings it alive, can I get her to read it to me every night?!) and the wisdom is fantastic, two of my favourite things about this book are the real life, “I can relate” stories and the practical, “here’s how to live it out” parts. The title of the blog is one of these, Lysa outlines 10 things we must remember when rejected. This one “this could be an invitation to live in expectation of something else”is number three and sunk deep into my soul, what a joyful place to live, in expectation! I want to do that, when I don’t get the job I hoped for, when love isn’t arriving, when friends don’t behave the way I hope or we lose a client, I want to be excited about what God has around the corner for me, a better plan. 

Lysa continues her encouragement by sharing Psalm 34:18 in its original language “The Lord draws near to the one who has had her heart shattered and delivers her from exposed grief to victory”. It so true, when I was most afraid from the drug withdrawal, when I didn’t know how to live with CRPS, when I was heartbroken at the loss of Nana, when I felt rejected by my dad, God was close and he sent me those who loved me through and I’m a stronger, wiser, more joyful person for it. “This breaking of you will be the making of you”. I highly recommend this book, the study DVD and signing up for the Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study (such awesome community and accountability) 

Even when you’re overlooked by others, you are handpicked by God. In her new book, Uninvited, New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst will help you live like you really believe that truth! You can get your copy by going to

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