Humanity – 5-stars
This third installment of the Cape Cod Creamery showcased the struggles with comparison, forgiveness, and patience. There were many times in this book that I could see myself in the character and their reaction was pretty much the same one I would have had.
The premise of this book took me by surprise in the beginning but as Brynn started to talk more about her life and how she had felt that connection with TD in the beginning, I thought about people talking about love at first sight and thought, is this what this means?
The best part of this book was how I initially felt about Bear and how towards the middle of the book I truly started to feel sad for him. He needed to realize there were people out there who cared for him if he would just truly listen. To see his transformation was the best.
I hope there will be another installment.
I received a complimentary copy of the book from Revell through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.