Ka’s Review:

The storylines are intriguing and having read previous books in this cozy mystery series I was looking forward to the next instalment. Stella and Lyndy are now on honeymoon yet unsurprisingly end up in the thick of things.

I didn’t relate as well to this instalment as I did to the others. I struggled to relate to the couple this time and considering just how much was going on at the hotel, it felt just a little incredulous. I am hoping that the next in the series will have me back on track. Three stars.

It’s a three out of five on the enJoyment scale but I’m hoping the next one will be more my cup of tea.

Kel’s Review:

We are back with our leading couple, Stella and Lyndy, in Murder at the Majestic Hotel by Clara Mckenna. Having just left their wedding, they are on honeymoon when a change in hotel room raises their suspicions and before they know it, they are a case again trying to resolve a mystery.

I found the motive and method a tad unbelievable for me so I struggled a bit, it’s feeling like this couple can never catch a break! Perhaps a little longer between books (in their world) would be good to allow for some normality.

We received complimentary copies of the book from Kensington through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in these reviews are completely our own.

From the back cover:

Against all expectations in Edwardian England, newly married American heiress Stella Kendrick and British aristocrat Viscount “Lyndy” Lyndhurst are bucking traditions—and investigating murder—on their honeymoon in the latest instalment of the Stella & Lyndy Mysteries from acclaimed author Clara McKenna.

Leaving behind tragedies surrounding their wedding at Morrington Hall, travel-worn Stella and Lyndy arrive at the grand Majestic Hotel in York to more misfortune—their stately honeymoon suite has been given away to Horace Wingrove, owner of England’s largest confectionery. Stella refuses to let an innocent booking mistake spoil the mood, but her optimism vanishes when Horace suffocates in the room where she and Lyndy should have stayed . . .

Unlike authorities on the scene, Stella can’t believe the business magnate’s death can be explained away as an accident. Troubling signs are everywhere—strange murmurs in the hallway, tight-lipped hotel staff, and a stolen secret recipe for Wingrave’s famous chocolate. Then there are Horace’s murky intentions for visiting the historic cathedral city, and those who were closely watching his every move . . .

As Stella and Lyndy tour Yorkshire and mingle with royals as husband and wife, they face a sinister mystery that puts their vows to the test. Can the couple work together to discover the truth about their romantic destination and the strange happenings haunting their trip before they’re treated to another terrifying surprise?

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