I picked up “Rare Trees”, by Sara Oldfield and Malin Rivers, as I love learning about unusual trees and trees in general. I didn’t immediately pick up, from the back cover copy, that the defining feature of this book is it highlights trees which are threatened. It looks at each tree, why it matters to its ecosystem and what is negatively impacting its survival and what is being done to stop it disappearing.

It is fascinating, well-written and also saddening. One cannot read it and not feel called to do more to protect our natural world and especially these beautiful trees! The photos are gorgeous and add a visual representation of what we are seeking to preserve!

If you have a passion for environmental activism or want to understand what is at risk, this one is for you! It’s a five out of five on the enJOYment scale.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from Timber Press through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. 

From the back cover:

Discover the Secrets and Beauty of the World’s Rarest Trees
Did you know that the resin of the dragon tree was so prized that it was used and traded as medicine by the Roman Empire? Or that the Bornean ironwood is one of the only timbers dense enough to sink in water? Trees have adapted to thrive on steep mountains, high in cloud forests, on dry savannahs, in parched deserts, and in tropical wetlands. Our own human history—and our future—are interwoven with the trees that define the character and environments of our green planet.
Rare Trees offers a stunning visual presentation of 60 of the most fascinating, bizarre, and threatened tree species on the planet, from conifers to magnolias to oaks. With color photographs showing trees and their most unusual features, maps of growing regions, callouts of memorable facts, and examples of poignant cultural and historical uses by Indigenous populations, Rare Trees will give everyone who loves trees an armchair tour of unique specimens from around the globe. You will be inspired to help preserve this critical canopy of life.

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