“A stranger stalking down the street shouldn’t make her hands tremble in anticipation.”
Opening line from On Wings of Devotion by Roseanna White
The next in Roseanna White’s The Codebreakers series, On Wings of Devotion focuses on Major Camden’s story answering all the questions in The Number of Love. Nurse Arabella finds her life colliding with Cam’s and soon he decides he has to be her protector, whether she wants it or not. Seeing the struggle Cam is battling after the death of his squadron, Ara determines to show him God’s love and help him through the pain.
In addition to the beautiful story of the redemptive power of God’s love, there is a wartime mystery. The codebreakers are working to understand the next move of the enemy through Cam’s old acquaintances.
Despite my best efforts to think of how to share more of this story, it would spoil it to do so! I can say I loved it, I found these two leading characters to be two of my fictional favourites! Their struggles are so relatable and Roseanna has written each exquisitely. Once again, they are supported by a great cast of other characters and I look forward to exploring this world more in the next novel in this wonderful series! It’s full of moving moments, intrigue and humour, it’s a five out of five on the enJOYment scale and highly recommended!

From the back cover:
All of England thinks Phillip Camden a monster–a man who deliberately caused the deaths of his squadron. But as nurse Arabelle Denler watches the so-dubbed “Black Heart” every day, she sees something far different: a hurting man desperate for mercy. And when their paths twist together and he declares himself her new protector, she realizes she has her own role to play in his healing.
Phillip Camden would have preferred to die that day with his squadron rather than be recruited to the Admiralty’s codebreaking division. The threats he receives daily are no great surprise and, in his opinion, well deserved. What comes as a shock is the reborn desire to truly live that Arabelle inspires in him.
But when an old acquaintance shows up and seems set on using him in a plot that has the codebreakers of Room 40 in a frenzy, new affections are put to the test.
I received a complimentary copy of the book from Bethany House Publishers through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.