Discovering, Rediscovering, Anticipating, Decluttering & Cherishing With CRPS

One of the many blogs I follow is A Chronic Voice and I so enjoy reading the linkup party blogs which focus on five words each month, so this month I thought I’d join in! Be sure to join in if you’d like!

November’s words are:

Discovering…peace. I’m spending time doing the Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Online Bible Study on Max Lucado’s new book Anxious For Nothing. The promise of this book is “Finding Calm in the Midst of Chaos”, and oh my, yes please! The book is built on Philippians 4:4-8 and I can’t wait to discover a deeper sense of peace. I love doing studies with P31OBS, they encourage me, take me deeper in my study of the Word and I have a community of women who support each on the journey.

Rediscovering…perspective. Work pressures have increased and I am doing more these days than I have in years. I battle to describe the joy I get from working. It is a privilege even when I’m overwhelmed to be able-bodied enough. It’s quite a perspective shift!

Anticipating…relaxation. The end of the year is nigh and the holidays are calling. I am so excited to spend time rejuvenating after a long year, catching up with friends and spending time with my horse and pup. It’s going to be wonderful relaxing!

Decluttering…my mind. I am spending time this month minding my intake. I’m spending less time on things that are time-wasters and more time on the things I love. Things like books and friendships rather than Netflix and Facebook.

Cherishing…time. Time is a funny thing, it can feel fast and slow. As a tough (and seemingly long) year is drawing to a very busy end, the days seem to be flying past and I just can’t seem to find enough time in the day! It has reminded me to love every minute of this very precious life. The busy ones, the tough ones, the good ones and the fun ones, cherish every moment.

7 Replies to “Discovering, Rediscovering, Anticipating, Decluttering & Cherishing With CRPS

  1. Well done for joining Sheryl’s link up. I have said that I will try to get my act together and link up this month… is such a good way to get to know a bit more about each other. I love each one of your answers……C x

  2. Hey Kelly so good to have you in this month’s linkup, I really enjoy reading yours and everyone’s responses to the prompts as well! I’m happy that you’re enjoying your work; I’m still trying to figure it out myself 🙂 and social media’s such a time trap isn’t it heh. I wish you and yours an awesome holiday season! x

  3. Great post but your response to “cherishing” particularly spoke to me. Work particularly gets so hectic as the year comes to a close, trying to finish up projects before the holidays. It can be tough to remember to take a step back and a deep breath but it is well worth the effort.

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