5o of the world’s most magnificent spaces are celebrated for the flora and fauna in “Our Natural World Heritage”. Identified by their inspiring biodiversity, each one of these places is explored with beautiful photos, interesting facts, and an explanation of the challenges they face now, be it global warming, intrusive farming practices, poaching, or other things such as the impact of industry,
Whilst appreciating the amazing elements of each biodiversity, one can’t help but feel moved to do more to protect these unique and important places and the flora and fauna that call them home. I found it interesting how much more of a role animals had in the conversations about the continent of Africa and feel so grateful to live in such a wonderful place. Calling South Africa home, I felt there could have been so many more pages on us (we did get a mention) but I think that shows just how amazing the globe is all around, this is a highlights package of all we need to love and appreciate about our natural habitats.
Of course, with visually stunning places like these, one can’t help but want more photos of everywhere but at 400 plus pages, I know why more weren’t included! It prompted an online search as I went along!
If you enjoy learning about our natural world, this is a fascinating read! It’s five out of five and highly recommended.
I received a complimentary copy of the book from Timber Press through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

From the back cover:
This lush, photo-driven guide introduces 50 of the most magnificently outstanding biodiversity, revealing not only their physical beauty but also celebrating the flora and fauna that make them unique. Did you know that Kakadu National Park in Australia boasts some of the oldest exposed rock on the planet and is known to have been inhabited continuously for over 40,000 years? That Lake Malawi contains the largest number of fish species of any lake in the world—over 3,000? Or that the tiny Madeiran archipelago off the coast of Northern Africa is the last vestige of the original majestic laurel forests that once covered most of Southern Europe? Published in partnership with UNESCO World Heritage, Our Natural World Heritage showcases 50 of the planet’s most beautiful and biodiverse landscapes, each identified as a site of outstanding universal value and an irreplaceable source of life and inspiration. Over 900 color images and evocative, accessible text reveal what makes each site unique, through an exploration of its flora, fauna, and natural history. This is awe-inspiring natural beauty that belongs to us all.