By the time I hit the 10% mark in “Why Do I Feel Like This?”, by Peace Amadi, I knew I’d love the book but I couldn’t rush it! This is deep, hard work, thought-provoking and challenging. Each chapter explores thoroughly one element of mental health and emotional well-being. It is not a “band-aid on a bullet wound” approach, but a holistic, soulful one, written from personal experience and with professional wisdom.
“This expectation [that experiencing person in emotion pain can snap out of it] can lead to a sort of spiritual gaslighting where the reality and gravity of someone’s pain is met with a subtle message that says if you really walked with God, or if you really had enough faith, you wouldn’t be feeling this way. Again, we deserve better.”
Integrating her understanding of psychology with faith, Peace eloquently unpacks big topics such as spiritual bypassing, grief, depression, anxiety, confidence, courage and self-worth. Each is explained, held in her hands and valued, and then ways to move forward are offered. I especially appreciated her definitions, which left me chewing over them and reflecting on them for days.
“Now, worry does have its place. It’s a catalyst for problem solving in situations that truly need a solution,”
This isn’t a prescription to “get well” but an outstretched hand offering help on a journey. Reading this book challenged me but I highly recommend it! It’s a five out five on the enJOYment scale
I received a complimentary copy of the book from InterVarsity Press through NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

From the back cover:
“Why do I feel this way?” Sometimes life is a mess and we get overwhelmed by all sorts of conflicting, difficult emotions. We might be stressed or weary, anxious or fearful, paralyzed by insecurity or crushed by pain. Worse yet, some well-meaning people invalidate our feelings and tell us to just cheer up and forget our worries. Rather than bypass the reality of our feelings, we need to enter into them and listen to what they’re telling us. Psychology professor and personal development coach Dr. Peace Amadi helps us navigate the complexity of our emotions, from discouragement and hurt to trauma and depression. She explains the dynamics underlying what we feel and gives practical resources for living through our emotions in healthy ways. With insights from both psychology and Scripture, this book offers you a clear plan to get your peace and freedom back and find your joy again.