“This book is my contribution to exposing and uprooting these misconceptions that have rendered the church silent on a critical concern.”
From “Stewards Of Eden” by Sandra L. Richter
“Stewards of Eden, by Sandra L. Richter, is an amazing book which unpacks the major ways our environment suffers and then what the Bible has to say about each. She then gives an example of the damage being done and ways in which we can help course correct.
“As any organic farmer would tell us, and as the history of urbanisation in Mesopotamia dramatically illustrates, the continuous cultivation of a single crop in the same field depletes the soil of nutrients and encourages the proliferation of pests and diseases specific to that particular crop.”
From “Stewards Of Eden” by Sandra L. Richter
The Biblical study alone is fascinating and moving. Sandra carefully creates a narrative of God’s view of the world from creation to the Second Coming. She explains the context of the verses which relate to our environment by digging into history and cultural practices.
“What most of us do not realise is that environmental degradation strikes those on the margins first. It is the subsistence farmer and the poor who pay the highest price for any society’s failure to utilise land in a sustainable fashion.”
From “Stewards Of Eden” by Sandra L. Richter
The scientific explanation of the damage humans have done and continue to do is well-reasoned and compelling. I am passionate about the environment and still learnt a huge amount. The examples are heart-breaking and distressing, particularly those relating to the harm we are doing to animals.
Sandra gives practical ways we can, in our daily lives, engage with this world crisis and make a difference, It is so empowering and encouraging to be able to do something! I’m am so excited to see a book in the world calling Christians to action to protect our Eden.
I highly recommend “Stewards of Eden”, it’s elegantly written, insightful and so important. It’s a five out of five on the enJOYment scale.

From the back cover:
Sandra L. Richter cares about the Bible. She also cares about the environment. Using her expertise in ancient Israelite society and economy as well as in biblical theology, she walks readers through passages familiar and not-so-familiar, showing how significant environmental theology is in the Bible’s witness. She then calls Christians to apply that message to today’s environmental concerns. Richter is a master Bible scholar. Each chapter in this timely book draws out a biblical mandate about care for the land, for domestic and wild animals, for people at the margins, and more. She is also a master storyteller. Well informed on the most significant challenges to present-day environmental stewardship, Richter includes case studies connecting the biblical mandates to modern day issues. Though current political values may tempt readers to separate or even polarize Christian faith and ecological concerns, in this short, accessible book Richter urges us to be driven by God’s values instead.
I received a complimentary copy of the book from InterVarsity Press through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.