I so wish I had had this fantastic book five years ago when I searched the internet looking for ways to have more connection with God and live a joy-filled life. It is a great guidebook, beautifully written and Wendy is so easy to connect with. She makes it all feel so doable! She’s a great storyteller and there are lots of fun moments tucked in and plenty biblical truth.
Wendy breaks down the basics of living out the faith that are often discussed such as worship, prayer and bible reading into things the reader can do today making them manageable but effective. I used many of these when I went through my depression. I didn’t have Wendy’s book to guide me but time with Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies got me on this track and wow, I can attest to what a difference these tools make in building a relationship with God.
I love the breakdown of the book into: “Yes Cultivates Trust No Invites Revelation Maybe Welcomes Freedom”. It’s so well thought through with biblical wisdom behind each of the three and practical ways to say yes, no and maybe. Wendy inspires the reader to strive for more e.g.: “The numbness is the result of “un” roots growing in our heart, choking the life of joy.” And she builds on our key promises: “We are not condemned! We belong to Christ! We are free!”. The book builds to the transformation process: “we can’t just accept all the positive things from God without accepting the polishing as well. This transformation period is hard, plain hard.”
I’d recommend it to a friend who is newer to the faith or not sure about the key elements of living out an active relationship with God as I found a lot of the yes and no sections weren’t applicable to where I am now. I would have really benefited from it 5 years ago. It’s a five out of five on the en-JOY-meet scale for me.