Ka’s Review:

I love this series and especially the close relationship between the key characters, Lady Hardcastle and Flo. In this episode, we get to meet Flo’s twin and it certainly sets up a new dynamic and adds a further dimension to the story! The dialogue and humour are such a key part of this lovely cozy mystery series.

The theatrical context didn’t quite do it for me and this time I cottoned on to a couple of the key aspects of the story, but it’s still a goodie to read, So yet again it’s FOUR out of five for me. I look forward to reading the next in this whodunnit, fun series.

Kel’s Review:

Our two lovely leading ladies are back at it in the next of this wonderful series from T. E. Kinsey. In “An Act of Foul Play” Flo, Lady Hardcastle, and their friends have their entertaining evening out at the theatre disturbed when one of the actors dies, on stage!

Determined to leave it to the police force, they attempt to stay out of it but soon are invited to share their thoughts and in no time at all, they are in the midst of another twisty mystery. Infiltrating the cast, Flo and Lady H work undercover to find the killer and uncover the motive before more people get hurt! Is anyone who they seem to be?

The conversations and characters make this series and this one is no different! The writing is delightful! If you enjoy cosy mysteries, this is one to read! It’s a four out of five on the enJOYment scale (I unravelled a few too many of the answers before they were revealed) and look forward to the next one!

We received complimentary copies of the book from Amazon Publishing UK through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in these reviews are completely our own.

From the back cover:

November 1911. Lady Emily Hardcastle is celebrating her birthday by seeing a play at the Duke’s Theatre in Bristol with her maid and confidante, the inimitable Flo. Act One is a triumph. Then Act Two opens with a body on stage—a real one. One of the cast has been brutally murdered during the interval.

When other matters get in the way of Inspector Sunderland overseeing the case himself, he asks the ever-resourceful Lady H to keep a watchful eye on the suspects—and his police colleagues. Rustling up some cunning disguises of their own, she and Flo are soon in deep cover among the cast and crew, pulling back the curtain on some shocking secrets and rivalries…

The problem is, everyone seems to have a motive, and everyone seems to have an alibi…In this locked-room mystery in which nothing is as it seems, the amateur sleuths need to put on the performances of their lives if they’re to stand a chance of shining a spotlight on the truth…

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